Home > Job Board Safety

Job Board Safety

Let’s work together to keep you safe during your job search and job hunting!

The mission of Marijuana Confidential™ is — to provide a free-of-cost website that jobseekers, recruiters, and employers can use to connect with each other and fill job vacancies in the legal cannabis and hemp industry.

We also have another important objective — to make your experience on this website as safe and secure as possible.

Three of the most important objectives for the Marijuana Confidential job board website are: 1) to maintain the highest level of security and privacy for our users, 2) to not display any bias or show a preference for any particular employer, recruiter, or job posting, 3) while also keeping the website free-of-cost and accessible to all.

Marijuana Confidential does our best to provide a safe and secure job board website for job search and job hunting.

  • We utilize a combination of security measures to help protect your personal information and professional data.
  • We perform regular vulnerability assessments of our systems and networks to ensure the ongoing protection of your information and data.
  • We intend to protect your information and data against loss, misuse, alteration, or unauthorized access.
  • We cannot make any guarantee when the safety and security of your information and data is beyond our control.
  • We are aware that no method of information transmission or data storage via the Internet can be 100% safe and secure.
  • We will do our best to keep you safe and secure while you search for job postings, submit resumes, and send job applications on this job board website!

Whether you’re a jobseeker, recruiter, or employer — we will do our best to safeguard your personal information and professional data.

Continue reading below to learn more about:

  1. How do we protect you?
  2. How to protect yourself?

How Do We Protect You?

Learn about the practices and features that make your experience as secure as possible.

Private resumes

Jobseekers can make a resume private so it’s only viewable by the employers they contact.

Suspicious login notifications

Users may be prompted to enter a verification code when a suspicious login is detected.

Regular System Assessments

We perform regular vulnerability assessments of our systems and network.

Information Security

We seek to use reasonable security measures to help protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal information under its control. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure.

In addition, please note that emails, messages sent via your web browser, and other similar means of communication with other users are not encrypted.

Therefore, while we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee its security.

For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy.

How To Protect Yourself?

Learn about what you can do to protect yourself against security threats and scams.

Create a tougher password

Use a strong, unique password for your account on this job board website.

Reset your password

If you know or even think that someone may have unauthorized access to your MJCC account, then you should immediately change your secure password.

Scan for problems and update software frequently

Run antivirus software on your device and keep your operating system and all software updated.


Second-factor authentication, also known as 2FA, allows you to set up an additional level (or factor) of security on your accounts in addition to your password.

This is usually something that you can prove that you own and control, such as your phone or your email account.

Adding one more step of authenticating your identity makes it harder for an attacker to access your data.

2FA drastically reduces the chances of fraud, data loss, or identity theft.

Contact us

Do you have any additional safety or security concerns about this job board website?

You can send our Support Team a secure message through our Contact Form.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a type of scam used to trick end-users into divulging sensitive information.

Scammers often pose as a legitimate company to steal financial information or account credentials.

Common Signs of Phishing:

From an unknown sender

Emails sent to your inbox from this job board website will only come from an email address ending in “@marijuanaconfidential.com”.

Be wary of emails or phone calls that are sent from a company that you haven’t even sent a job application to.

Threatening or urgent

A claim your account will be locked if you don’t respond.

Too good to be true

Request you to claim lottery winnings or a large inheritance.

Includes an unexpected attachment

Invoices, obscure file types, or documents prompting you to “enable macros”.

Links to a suspicious website

The website doesn’t look right or uses a “look-a-like domain name”.

What can you do about Phishing?

Contact the company

If you suspect that someone is fraudulently claiming to be a legitimate company, contact the company directly using a trusted communication, such as a phone number listed on their website.

Be wary of attachments

Avoid opening unexpected attachments, especially those with unusual file extensions (.zip, .jar, .js).

Use security tools

Enable and regularly update anti-virus software, firewalls, and security patches.

Keep personal information personal

Don’t send sensitive information such as bank account or credit card data over email or instant messenger.

Contact us

Do you want to report a Phishing incident that occurred to you on this job board website?

You can send our Support Team a secure message through our Contact Form.

What are some of the other scams that target jobseekers?

Jobseekers can be targeted by scammers posing as potential employers, often requesting personal information via email.

Learn how to recognize other common scams and avoid fraudulent tactics.

Other Common Scams:

Remote work

Scammers may request money for a work-from-home “starter kit” or send you a check requesting that you wire a portion of the money back.

Tax scams

Fraudulent employers may request past W2s or other tax information.

Never provide personal or financial information via email.

What can you do about scams targeting jobseekers?

Interview process

Be wary of employers who offer you a job without an interview or formal application process.

Don’t send money

Never pay upfront for a job or “starter kit.”

Don’t transfer “extra” or accidental payback to the employer.

You can contact your bank for further assistance.

Keep personal information private

Never provide personal or financial information via email.

Contact us

Do you want to report a scam or fraudulent activity that you encountered on this job board website?

You can send our Support Team a secure message through our Contact Form.

How can you report a bug or vulnerability?

There are a couple of ways to report discovered vulnerabilities.

Bug Bounty Program

Since 2016, we have run a Bug Bounty program that proactively encourages and rewards third parties for identifying security vulnerabilities.

We invite all security researchers to join and participate in our successful program.

Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Security researchers, industry partners, vendors, customers, and consultants who have identified security vulnerabilities and would like to make a “good neighbor” vulnerability disclosure are encouraged to do so through our Vulnerability Disclosure Program.

Contact us

Do you want to report a bug that you noticed or a vulnerability that you discovered on this job board website?

You can send our Support Team a secure message through our Contact Form.

Please note that the information above is not a completely exhaustive description of how we actually protect you, nor is it a comprehensive resource on how to protect yourself. The information above is reasonably intended only to be used for general guidance.