Home > Submit a Resume

Submit a Resume

Your First Name and Last Name.
Your Email Address. Example: you@gmail.com
Your Phone Number. Example: +1 555-123-4567
City and State that will be tagged to this resume. Required format: City Name comma State Abbreviation. Example: “Los Angeles, CA”
State that will be tagged to this resume.
Select one or more Job Categories from the dropdown list. Maximum selections allowed = 3 Categories.
Job Titles and Job Keywords that will be tagged to this resume. Maximum characters allowed including spaces = 100 Characters.
Click the ‘Choose File’ button to upload your Resume File. Maximum upload size = 3 MB (3,000 KB). Problem: Your resume document file is in the .docx file type and needs to be converted to the .pdf file type. Solution: You can click this link to compress and convert a DOC file or DOCX file to a PDF file for free ⇒
Click the ‘Choose File’ button to upload your Profile Photo File. Maximum upload size = 3 MB (3,000 KB).